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We are not alone in this world. There are so many people that we are not already know yet. almost everyday we meet new people. we start to know each other when we enter to the public society. this time, we will tell you about our campus life.  and this blog is about our FR13NDSHIP in the campus.

Deo:" For me, friendship is not about theory, but the real practice in the daily live. when we think she or he is our friend, we will help them as we can"
Rezi:"For me, friendship is never let my friends go."
Memes: "For me, friendship is trying to know the way friends act, so we can be a good person near them."

those are the definition of "FR13NDSHIP"  for us. why we use 13? because we are ESA MEMBER 2013. So we use that number as our identity in the campus. for the first time we were getting into campus, we were just like ordinary friends. we were say hi to each other , and so on. nothing special between us. And then, after we always getting spent our time together, we're being close. that's all because ECP. What is ECP? ECP is ESA CAMPING PROJECT. In ECP, we can get so many things about frienship. the real "FR13NDSHIP" meaning. we were teached to care, and to protect each other. So that's why we're being very close now.

" It is not unusual in many societies throughout east Africa for men to display their friendship for one another by holding hands in public. Two soldiers on patrol in the streets of Bujumbura, Burundi non-chalantly express their affection for one another. (wikipedia)"

 It just a simple example about friendship in another countries. There are so many ways to show their friendship in this world. Because "friendship" has so many meaning.
In our friendship, we do not just share about our major or our assignment, but we also share about our life, family, even love. so that's why, we have so many stories to share. we always talk a strange convertation that make us laugh very loud. because we are one, we are FR13NDSHIP, and we are ESA MEMBER 2013.



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