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Folks Houses Around The World

Hi there! How are you? I hope you are fine and still doing something useful over your house. :D By the way, today I’ll tell you about the unique houses in some countries. First, I will tell you about complex houses of Hakka family, China. Hakka family was moving from the yellow river area in 12 th to 13 th century. They built big house with rounded hard wall in order to protect them to outsider. One townhouse is for the family who has the same last name and the non-Hakka family are not allowed to live in. Differ from Chinese, Many of Malayan in Kalimantan and Malaysia build their house on the river. It’s because their job as a fishermen, but unfortunately they use timber of mangrove that has the durability against the sea water to built the house.
Malayan's Houses (
If Malayan live on the river, some people of Peru live on reed islands made of floating reed in the lake. The boats (for fishing) and the houses are built from reed. But they must change the old reed into the new one every several months to keep their stuff good. It’s quite interesting about the houses people like to live. If you want to read more you can go through this website:
See you!

Written by:
Lourensia Messyana (F1021131017)

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