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Good Way for Parents giving Sex Education

       Here are some ways for parents when they need to answer teen's questions about sex. "What is that Kiss?" "What is that oral sex?" "What is that doggy style?" are some questions that teens could ask to and should not be refused by parents, but they should use this moment to explain to their teens in order to keep teens not ask the same questions to others sources which not responsible.

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       According to psychologist and sex educator, Ninuk Widyantoro, at least there are three main requirements that parents should do before they start giving sex education

1. Sufficient knowledge
Parents need to prepare enough knowledge about sexuality. "There are parents who do not even understand the difference between sex and sexuality.
Sex is just a biological difference between men and women, while sexuality is more than that.
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2. Communication skills
Parents need to have communication skills, involving speech and body language. Talk with nice tone and not scare, be relaxed because sex-education can fail miserably if the parents feel embarrassed.
3. Openness
Parents don't need to be panic when their teens ask some question about sex, but the can open the main set of their teens about what they are talking about.
Thanks for reading.
By Deoselly M.K. Panjaitan

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