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5 Richest People in the World

Hi there. I'm wondering how people can earn much money and become the richest people in the world. But no matter, even if these people come from many countries, I believe that they never stop to work hard to develop their business.

Now, I would like to tell you the 5 richest people in the world.
Forbes Magazine recently published its annual list of the World’s Richest People in 2013.
The world’s richest person is from Mexico, Carlos Slim Helu, that his earn comes mostly from telecom network America Movil that he owns, contributing $36.3 billion to his wealth.
The richest person number 2 is Bill Gates,a person from USA, and he's my favorite because I ever read the story of his live; how he started the microsoft that made him be the richest person few years ago in his young age.
Now see the third richest person. Amancio Ortega of the Inditex Group, which markets, the Zara apparel line — is the year’s biggest gainer. His net worth increased $19.5 billion, and registered a 50% year-on-year increase in sales. Wow, he might be the next richest person I guess.
The fourth is stocks expert Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway, whose net worth increased $9.5 billion to $53.5 billion. and the last is Larry Ellison, which source of his wealth comes from Oracle,and he lives in Woodside, United State.
 There are also a list of 100 richest person in the world, they come from many countries, but I didn't see any Indonesian person include. Well, the big question is when we'll be one of them?

by: Deoselly Mantari Kasih Panjaitan

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