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Harvest Celebrations Around The World

All around the world there are many culture. Depends on that, every culture also have their own tradition to celebrate something happened in their place. Most common celebration that they held is harvest party. Every country around the world also have their own harvest goods. It’s interesting enough to know them. Because of that today I’ll show you some tradition people do to face the harvest time. American have Thanksgiving. In this day people slaught turkeys to celebrate the overflow of turkeys. After that, they eat it with their famiy and colleagues. Differ with America, people in London celebrate the harvest festival by made shining mascot, called “the Pearly”. This idea was discover by  road sellers who decorated their pants with scattered pearly button on the road. In order to celebrate sugar harvest, people in Barbados, Karibia held The Crop Over Festival in July. It’s funny beacause they still held this tradition even though Brazil has taken their first place as the biggest sugar producer. As the one of the most rice producer in the world, we absolutely have local traditions to celebrate the harvest time.. Javanese people have the special ceremony called Sekaten. They made gift called Gunungan that contains many kinds of food, rice, fruit, and vegetable. They do that in order to show their respect to “Sri Goddess”. For more information please go to this website :

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Lourensia Messyana (F1021131017)

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