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Table Manner Around the World

Hi again. I got an idea to write my blog for this time. it's about table manner around the world. Well, in Indonesia, especially for Javanese, it would be polite for you to eat with your hand, but it will be very impolite if you don't look at your food, or talk to other while you are eating. You will also impolite if you mess up your food, everything must be very quiet, quick, and neat. But how about in the other country?
In Chile, you will not be allow to use your hand to take any food on
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 your table, because Chileans always use utensils. But different with Ethiopians, they say it wasteful to eat with utensils, so they eat everything with their hands — specifically their right hand. In Canada, you will be polite if you come late to the dinner table, but if you come on time or early, it won't be acceptable. In China, you have to mess your food after you eat to show that you enjoyed the meal. In Egypt, don't refill your own glass, but let your neighbor to do it, and don't forget to refill your neighbor's glass if the water is less than half full.
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Back to Indonesia that have many cultures, Bataknese, will be very boring if there are no conversation in the table, they love to talk and even they take home the food that left. If yoe, have been though in Javanese ways of table manners, or the like, you will be very surprise when you come to Bataknese party when they are going to eat.
Thats all from me for this time. hope you enjoy it.

by: Deoselly Mantary Kasih Panjaitan

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