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Traditional Transportations Around The World

Hi there! Long time no see, but I’ll pay it with share this blog posting for you, my loyal readers. :D Today I’ll tell you about kind of transportations people use in the world. Transportations in general are just like bus, motorcycle, train, or boat. But if we look out, there are many unique transportations that some countries have and they are exist until now. Let’s see in Japan. They have Rickshaw as their local transportation. It’s a two wheels vehicle  without machine, but they make it useful with man power. They say that the driver, or we can call him / her as the puller, must wear special shoes before the trip to make easier to run. I can’t imagine if the passanger is the fat person.
Habal Habal (source:
Philipine’s people have Habal Habal. It’s the one of the most unique transportation I’ve ever heard. Habal Habal is a motorcycle with longer jock, so it can bring more than 4 adult people for a trip! It’s a kind of funny if we look at the picture. While in India the people use elephants as their usual transportation. I think it will be amazing if I can sit on it someday :D.
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Written by: 
Lourensia Messyana (F1021131017)

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