Hi again readers. Now I would like to tell you about what I"m thinking about the corruptor. When I was sitting in high school, we had debate championship which talking about corruption and the punishment for them. I always said the best punishment for the corruptor is only dead penalty. Why? because that's the only way to make them don't want to do the corruption again.
But the opposite always said, it amoral, we're Indonesian, we have religion that says to not kill human, they have human right. Then more times, I realized that dead penalty is to hard for them. So, now I say, "Exile them, take all their money, make them be the poorest, fire them, put them in isolated areas, and give them a duty to built a better village using a hoe". Yes, if it will be a good reason to make them wary. How about you? do you think the same way with I am? Corruption is not only a big problem in Indonesia, it's an illness, hereditary diseases that countries around the world also feel. These some list of the Most corrupt countries in the world.
which one is your country? the 6th place right? what punishment you want to give to them?
Thanks for reading.
By Deoselly Mantari Kasih Panjaitan
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