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Bizzare Musical Instruments Around The World

Hi there! How are you? I hope you are fine and still doing something useful over your house. :D By the way, today I’ll tell you about the unique music musical in some countries. They are very interesting.I believe that you’ve probably never play (or even heard ) these unique musical instruments.

1. Theremin or Aetherphone 
 Originally known as “aetherphone,” theremin is an electronic musical instrument that can be controlled without physical contact. It’s named depends on its Russian inventor Leon Theremin. This instrument has a controlling section that consists of two metal antennas which can feel the relative position of the player’s hands and control oscillators for frequency.
Theremin (source:
2. Crwth  
A crwth is an ancient stringed musical instrument. Sometimes it’s called as “crowd.” This musical instrument is believed to have been played in Wales since the 11th century. 
A crwth (source:
3.Contrabass Balalaika 
The contrabass balalaika is a Russian folk instrument that was developed in the late 17th century. It looks strange because unlike other stringed musical instruments, it has a triangular body.
Contrabass Balalaika (source:
4,Glass Harmonica
 Also known as “armonica,” “bowl organ” or “hydrocrystalophone,” glass harmonica is a musical instrument that uses a series of glass bowls or goblets graduated in size to produce a broad range of musical tones through friction.
Glass Harmonica (Source:
That’s all from me, if you want to know more information about these, please go to here
Thanks for reading and good bye!

Written by:
Lourensia Messyana ( F1021131017)

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