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Physical Contacts and Planning Appoinments In Advance.

Hello everyone, glad to see you again in my posting. Here, the topic is about Indonesian Culture that is Physical contacts and the appointment planning in advance for Indonesian. Well the first one is physical Contacts in Indonesia, this culture is not common if the people don’t know each other. But if they are close to each other, physical contacts are usually happen like when they’re talking to each others, they may have the emotions and express it by hugging or holding hands whenever they feel sad or happy for example. I don’t think that it has big differences with another world culture, so it can be same with culture in the other countries also.
The second one is about the Appointments planning in Advance.
In Indonesia, people usually plan the appointments well in advance actually. People make the appointment as good as they can, but Indonesian commonly can’t realize it as good as the appointment have made. Starts from the small thing like come late in some appointments.
Most of Indonesian usually don’t really care whether they will come late or not. This case often happens on the informal situations. But unfortunately, nowadays it’s not suprising anymore when we find people come late on the formal situation like meeting, working, schooling, or another formal situation. This case of course will affects their appointments in advance are not going so well.


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