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The "est" Animals in the World

Cheetah google search
Hi again. Do you wondering the word 'est' in the tittle? 'est' means the most, for example fastest, slowest, thickest, and so on which the animals are deserve to get 'est'. Let see what animals are they.

Peregrine Falcon google image search
Black Marlin google search

1. The fastest Animals. We can't take only 1 fastest animal, because there are 3 kinds of animal we have. From the land,the fastest animal is the Cheetah which has a recorded speed of 96–120 km/h (60–75 mph). The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird, and the fastest member of the animal kingdom with a speed of 389 km/h (242 mph). The fastest animal in the sea is the Black marlin, which has a recorded speed of 130 km/h (80 mph).
three-toed sloth google search

2. The slowest animal also good to know. The slowest mammal is the three-toed sloth, who averages a distance of only 0.15 miles per hour. There also butterfly for the flyer, and greenland whale in the ocean.

3.Thickest Skin.Congrats for Rhino, because this animal has the thickest skin in the world which reach 1,5 until 5 cm. You will never can hurt this animal only by beating, hitting, or maybe a knife to stab it, it will only make the rhino get angry and catch you and running after you.

 4. The smartest Animals.From the ocean, we have dolpins. why? Dolphins are  social animals. Schools of dolphins can be observed in the world’s oceans surfing, racing, leaping, spinning, whistling and other. Dolphins use tools in their natural environment and can learn an impressive array of behavioral commands by human trainers. On land, we have chimpanzee. The impressive intellectual abilities of this animal have long fascinated humans. They are also able to learn sign language to communicate with humans and can remember the name sign for individuals they have not seen for several years.
Thanks for reading.
By: Deoselly Mantari Kasih Panjaitan

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